Tuesday, May 4, 2010


For Calvino's concept of Multiplicity I chose a picture of the central nervous system. Others have described Multiplicity as a web, the way that everything is linked and connected. I decided to use the central nervous system for a similar reason, but also for a reason of my own.

The printing press was invented in 1436, which lead to the wide spread distribution of the bible. After this came other religious texts, after that we had a wide possibility to distribute literature though out the world. This to me is a similar idea to multiplicity, the way that our modern print system developed from a central source and we are constantly reminded of the luck we have from the invention of this product. Even E-literature, today, contains aspects of the original print workings from the printing press. How does this relate to the central nervous system? Well, let me explain. The nerves in our bodies are all connected to one part of our brain, which controls what we do, feel and don't feel. Everything we touch, see or taste, smell or hear. Without the brain, none of the other parts of our body can function on a normal level.

This is like Multiplicity within literature. Without something to start with, we have nothing to reference or grow off of. Without the original print, we can not bleed down into what we have today or even create the newest forms of literature. The printing press started literature, while it spread all over the world and allowed the ability for creation to happen, we have new literature available. As we grow and try new things, our central nervous system spans to touch, feel, taste and see new things in our lives.

A piece of literature that represents this to me is Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Within this trilogy, there is a mass amount of religious allegory. Gandourf, the white/grey wizard dies and comes back, in a similar way to Jesus and the Crucifixion. The fellowship of the ring is similar to the disciples that Jesus had throughout his ministry. This is actually perfect for my comparison of the printing press. Which widely distributed bibles, this book carries on the message of the lord though fictional characters and situations, however it can still be identified as such.