Sunday, February 28, 2010

This is a test of the UNK Emergency Alert System...

When I firsst heard about the UNK Alert system, I was honestly pretty excited. It meant not having to check my email every day to make sure we didn't have a snow day or if there was an issue here in Kearney, I would be immediately informed of it.

That was until last night...

I was at work and got a phone call from a number that I didn't recognize, I ignored it and didn't admittedly check the message until this morning and should have checked it after work, I wasn't sure of the number and thought I could have been butt dialed by a friend who had been drinking that had changed numbers and didn't let me know.

Now, here is my point.

When I finally did get around to listening to the message, all I heard was "Five males, one black, hispanic, White..." Then something about near Foster Park and dark clothes. Then, a slight pause and "Press star to hear this message again."

Alright. Now, what good does this message do me? I didn't know what was going on and I wouldn't have at all if I hadn't gotten the call later about the guys getting caught. Then, I learned that they escaped from the Youth Center literally less then 3 miles from my apartment.

Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of the alert system? I learned more from the secondary message telling me they had been caught then the one telling me to call 911 if I saw someone or something suspicious.

Aren't we at a point where we can time the phone call so that it starts when the call is answered or when it hears a human voice, not just when it starts ringing? Isn't that the beauty of the advancement of creativity? Not to mention, it would be just as easy to send a mass text message via Email? Isn't that the beauty of electronic literature?

Now, call me crazy, but isn't text messaging and such a new form of language and literature that is unique to this generation? In a generation of text messaging, email and facebook, you would think that UNK would be able to get someone to figure out just how to make an important message, like Juvenile escapees who could be in your neighborhood or on our campus that could possibly be dangerous.

Make a facebook page, then post a status explaining the situation. I know more people who would add that, get the updates on there phone and let others know. Or those who are obsessed with facebook who are on ALL THE TIME. The second they here something a new status is up, more people know, the text messages fly. Send a text message and no matter how simple, word WILL get around.

So, here is my suggestion to you UNK.

Make sure your students get the message... Don't just half-ass it and think that it's all going to be okay.